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Cancer: A Mistake in the Recipe

Each of our cells have DNA. DNA is what our cells use to make copies of themselves.




It is just like using instructions for building Lego sets. We follow the instructions and build something cool like a spaceship!
















If the instructions are wrong or we read them wrong, we end up building something else that doesn’t work. The DNA in our cells can sometimes get messed up or read wrong by our cells.




When our cells try to make a copy of themselves with the bad DNA, they end up making a cell that isn’t healthy. These unhealthy cells continue to read their mixed up DNA and make copies of themselves. This is how cancer starts.

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DNA are instructions for cells to make more cells.

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Similar to Legos instructions that tell us how to build things!




DNA read incorrectly

Cancer Cell

Cancer Cell Copy




Bad Instructions

Instructions read incorrectly

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Wrong Build

Build gets more incorrect

Scroll down to find the red arrow button to go outside in the garden to learn about cancer treatments.

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