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Treatment Appointments

During your treatments, you will work with the radiation therapists again. They will help you lie down in the same position you were in during the treatment planning appointment.



While the table you will lay on will be the same, you will be treated with a machine called a linear accelerator, or "Linac."

















The Linac looks like a spaceship that moves around the table and makes lots of noise. The Linac has different arms that can come out, but the machine will never touch you during your treatments.




















When the therapists have you all lined up, they will leave the room and watch you from outside.




















The therapists will take an x-ray each day to make sure you are positioned correctly before giving your treatment. It's important to hold still during treatment. 





















After the radiation has been given, the therapists will come back in the room and bring you down. This process will happen each day of treatment.























Scroll down to find and click on the control to go to an exam room!





In this clip the table is moving up and inward. During your radiation treatments, you will be lying on a table. The table will move in multiple directions to set you up in just the right position. 

This is what a Linac looks like. Rachel is laying on her back on the table.

After you’ve been all set up by the therapists, the machine will begin the move around you to prepare for imaging and treatment. This clip shows the linac arms moving around the treatment table.

Once treatment is done, the therapists will bring the table down and out and help you get down. Keep laying still until the therapists give you the "okay" to sit up.

After you’ve been all set up by the therapists, the machine will begin the move around you to prepare for imaging and treatment. This clip has the point of view of the machine moving while you are laying on the table. It does seem close! But the machine will never touch you as it moves around.

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